One of the most important forms in the buying or selling of an RV is the RV bill of sale. A bill of sale for an RV is written evidence that secures both the seller and the purchaser of an RV. An RV bill of sale shows the transfer in ownership of an RV.
If you want to sell your RV, you will have to prepare a bill of sale. It serves as a legal document that authorizes the transfer of ownership of the RV. It contains information such as the specific date and place of the transaction and the particular amount of money or any value received by the seller from the purchaser in exchange for the RV. It also includes the vehicle model, vehicle year, vehicle identification number, and the purchase price.
The bill of sale also proves that a transaction and agreement occurred between the seller and the purchaser. It protects both the seller’s and the purchaser’s interests. It shows that the seller has agreed to sell the RV for a certain amount to a purchaser, and the purchaser has accepted the RV AS IS. The buyer should understand the AS-IS term carefully.
Aside from that, this legal document is also used to determine the sales tax. So if you have to sell your RV, you have to acquire an official bill of sale form of your locality.
Most states in the US provide their own bill of sale form that requires specific information. You can get it from your county clerk. However, in selling or buying an RV, you can use a generic bill of sale that your state may accept.
The good news is that you do not have to go to the local DMV department or pay for the RV bill of sale form online because you can download it here for free.
It is important to both seller and purchaser to get a bill of sale signed by both parties. This is to avoid having legal problems in the future. Remember that it is very crucial to review the RV bill of sale thoroughly before signing. Both the seller and the purchaser should retain a copy of the document.
How to use RV bill of sale template
The RV bill of sale template is available as a zip file. It would help if you had zip software, e.g., 7-ZIP, to extract it first and create a new bill of sale form from the template file. The RV bill of sale form provides you with easy-to-use fields, so you have to fill out the appropriate sections that apply to your sale transactions.
If you want to customize it, load it into Microsoft Word and modify it. If you don’t have Microsoft Word installed, you can download the alternative RV bill of sale PDF version. You can open the PDF bill of sale and using any free PDF reader. Take few seconds to download our free RV bill of sale to complete your RV sales legally and quickly.